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SBCP is a student-run organization at Columbia Business School that provides strategy consulting services to start-ups and businesses in the New York area
To provide Columbia Business School students with challenging hands-on experiences that will make them more effective business leaders and managers
Our program
Program structure
We work around the two semesters per academic year: Fall (Sep - Nov) and Spring (Feb - April).
Project work starts after the client kick-off and continues until the final deliverable is due.
Students teams usually meet their clients 3-4 times per month and are expected to attend 4 training sessions over the semester teaching and reinforcing key consulting skill sets.
Projects last for 8-10 weeks, and conclude with a client presentation and case competition, where students get the chance to practice their presentation skills to practitioners from top consulting firms.
Week 1
Client applications due
Week 2
Shortlist of client projects presented to students
Week 3
Students apply for the program
Week 4
Client kick-off: teams meet with client representatives on campus
Week 5
Project scopes are finalized & 1st consultant training session
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
2nd consultant training session
Week 10
Week 11
Final deliverable due
Week 12
SBCP competition and participant feedback
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